IPA Off The Couch, Episode 17: New Books in Psychoanalysis: Analysts Reach into the Community through Podcasting
Interview with Donald Moss about his latest book, AT WAR WITH THE OBVIOUS: DISRUPTIVE THINKING IN PSYCHOANALYSIS for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Lana Lin about her recent book, FREUD'S JAW AND OTHER LOST OBJECTS: FRACTURED SUBJECTIVITY IN THE FACE OF CANCER (Fordham UP, 2017) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Alenka Zupančič about her most recent book, WHAT IS SEX? (The MIT Press, 2017) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Patricia Gherovici about her latest book, TRANSGENDER PSYCHOANALYSIS: A LACANIAN PERSPECTIVE ON SEXUAL DIFFERENCE (Routledge, 2017) for New Books in Psychoanalysis
Interview with Jared Russell about his recently published book, NIETZSCHE AND THE CLINIC: PSYCHOANALYSIS, PHILOSOPHY, METAPHYSICS (Karnac, 2017) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Bruce Fink about his latest book, A CLINICAL INTRODUCTION TO FREUD: TECHNIQUES FOR EVERYDAY PRACTICE (Norton, 2017) for New Books in Psychoanalysis and New Books in Intellectual History.
Interview with Laurence Rickels about his latest book, THE PSYCHO RECORDS (Wallflower Press, 2016) for New Books in Psychoanalysis, New Books in Film, and New Books in Literary Studies.
Interview with Colette Soler about her most recent book, LACANIAN AFFECTS, trans. Bruce Fink (Routledge, 2016) for New Books in Psychoanalysis and New Books in Critical Theory.
Interview with Steven J. Ellman about his book, WHEN THEORIES TOUCH (Karnac, 2010) for New Books in Psychoanalysis and New Books in Intellectual History.
Interview with Darian Leader about his recent book, STRICTLY BIPOLAR (Penguin, 2013) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Paul Verhaeghe about his recent book, WHAT ABOUT ME? THE STRUGGLE FOR IDENTITY IN A MARKET-BASED SOCIETY (Scribe, 2014) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Alison Bancroft about her recent book, FASHION AND PSYCHOANALYSIS (I.B. Tauris, 2012) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Alexander Etkind about his recent book, WARPED MOURNING: STORIES OF THE UNDEAD IN THE LAND OF THE UNBURIED (Stanford UP, 2013) for New Books in Psychoanalysis and New Books in Russian Studies.
Interview with Patricia Gherovici and Manya Steinkoler about their edited volume, LACAN ON MADNESS: MADNESS, YES YOU CAN'T (Routledge, 2015) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Alon Confino about his latest book, A WORLD WITHOUT JEWS: THE NAZI IMAGINATION FROM PERSECUTION TO GENOCIDE (Yale UP, 2014) for New Books in History.
Second interview with Bruce Fink about AGAINST UNDERSTANDING, VOLUME 2: CASES AND COMMENTARY IN A LACANIAN KEY (Routledge, 2014) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Gohar Homayounpour about her recent book, DOING PSYCHOANALYSIS IN TEHRAN (MIT Press, 2012) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Bruce Fink about his latest book, AGAINST UNDERSTANDING, VOLUME 1 (Routledge, 2014) for New Books in Psychoanalysis.
Interview with Thomas Kohut about his recent book, A GERMAN GENERATION (Yale UP, 2013) for New Books in Psychoanalysis and New Books in History
Interview with Kate Pickering Antonova about her new book, AN ORDINARY MARRIAGE (OUP, 2012) for New Books in Russian and Eurasian Studies.
Interview with Anna Fishzon about FANDOM, AUTHENTICITY, AND OPERA (Palgrave, 2013) by Marshall Poe for New Books in History.