IPTAR-Q and the IPTAR Clinical Center present a daylong workshop on queer theory and its thorny relationship to psychoanalysis. All of the presenters are IPTAR members or candidates who are deeply invested in thinking about how Freudian psychoanalysis intersects with queerness as a mode of thought. Sam Semper, Co-Director of the IPTAR Clinical Center, will moderate the workshop. There will be four talks before lunch, in which each presenter will take up in their own ways the challenges of crossing queer theory and psychoanalysis in order to reconceptualize: notions of self as gendered and sexual (Brian Kloppenberg); queer temporality (Anna Fishzon); Foucault’s criticism of the modern incitement to speak sex as the truth of the self, a criticism in which psychoanalysis is deeply implicated (Ann Pellegrini); as well as trans and race in spaces both queer and psychoanalytic (Yukari Yanagino). After lunch, Max Malitzky will present an in-depth case along with his supervisor, Alan Bass, in order to show some of the ways in which the non-normative and non-essentialist modes of queer theory inform Freudian analytic practice.